Thursday, February 9, 2012

Defining Terms To Define A Study - The Art Of Brooding Over Art

I haven't posted for a little over a week now, and that's partially due to some very intense brooding I have been doing recently.

I am so deep in thought...and so very muscular...
So what have I been brooding about? Well...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One Chance

This one comes directly from my class coursework, so again feel free to play along. We'll be analyzing One Chance games - games that literally give you one chance to "beat" them - and looking at their gameplay mechanics as well as narrative elements to see how such an element affects the gamer differently than your MW3 kill-die-spawn-kill cycles that exist in nearly all traditional video games.
The games we will be playing are: You Only Live Once, One Chance, and Why Is Johnny in an Art Game? Go ahead and take a minute to play them now. They each less than five minutes to complete.